
Archive for September 7, 2012

A Crazy Day in Joe’s Blog World…

September 7, 2012 2 comments

Nor sure what’s happening on my blog the last couple of days, but a post I wrote about Guerilla Signage on the Underground, has gone bonkers on Facebooks and Twatter, to such an extent that I had over 9000 hits yesterday afternoon and by lunchtime today I’d had over 5700… I guess that’s what you call trending (although I suspect that’s more in the hundreds of thousands…)

Still, I’m very happy with over 14000 hits in 24 hours and thanks to everyone who has visited, shared and retweeted… and especially to those who took the time to say they enjoyed it, and chose to become “Followers of the Blog”. Membership of that august group quadrupled to nearly 130 people yesterday, so I shall really have to watch what I write now…

The only downside to all this is a purely visual one. On the assumption that this number of visitors is an aberration and I return to the more usual 300 to 350 a day, my stats graph will look rather sad over the next month, as those huge bars moves slowly and inexorably to the left…


UPDATE: @ 9.30am, Saturday 8th September…  Friday’s total number of visitors hit a whopping 15,885 and today’s total is already over 2400… now I just need to work out how to keep you all visiting regularly…